

Reorder paragraphs 2


A. In most countries, it is only the government, through their central banks, who are permitted to issue currency.

B. But in Scotland, three banks are still allowed to issue banknotes.

C. The first Scottish bank to do this was the Bank of Scotland.

D. When this bank was founded in 1695, Scots coinage was in short supply and of uncertain value, compared with English, Dutch, Flemish or French coin.

E. To face growth of trade it was deemed necessary to remedy this lack of an adequate currency.


A. Paleontologists still argue about the origins of major groups, though new fossil finds since Darwin's time have cleared up many of the disparities in the fossil record. Even during Darwin's lifetime, some transitional forms were found.

B. Today, many years later, many believe that evolution has progressed at the same steady rate and that the absence of transitional forms can be explained by Darwin’s argument that there are huge gaps in the fossil record and that transition usually occurred in one restricted locality.

C. Others, however, believe that the fossil evidence suggests that, at various stages in the history of life, evolution progressed rapidly, in spurts, and that major changes occurred at these points.

D. An evolving group may have reached a stage at which it had an advantage over other groups and was able to exploit new niches in nature. Climate change may also have produced a "spurt", as might the extinction of other groups or species, leaving many niches vacant.


A. Sepahua, a ramshackle town on the edge of Peru's Amazon jungle, nestles in a pocket on the map where a river of the same name flows into the Urubamba.

B. That pocket denotes a tiny patch of legally loggable land sandwiched between four natural reserves, all rich in mahogany and accessible from the town.

C. In 2001 the government egged on by WWF, a green group, tried to regulate logging in the relatively small part of the Peruvian Amazon where this is allowed.

D. It abolished the previous system of annual contracts.

E. Instead, it auctioned 40-year concessions to areas ruled off on a map, with the right to log 5% of the area each year. The aim was to encourage strict management plans and sustainable extraction.


A. In the early years of the twenty-first century the impact of immigrants on the welfare state and, specifically, the capacity of the welfare state to absorb large numbers of immigrants has become a staple of discussion among policy makers and politicians.

B. It is also a recurrent theme in the press, from the highbrow pages of Prospect to the populism of the Daily Mail.

C. Inevitably, these discussions focus on present-day dilemmas.

D. But the issues themselves are not new and have historical roots that go much deeper than have been acknowledged.

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  1. I think, the given set of questions are in the correct order. Hope there is nothing to solve with this.
