I thought we would
meet in the small meeting room.
Identity theft
happens to thousands of people every year.
If it helps to take
notes in order to concentrate, please do so.
If it helps you to
concentrate by taking notes, please do it.
If you are not sure
about this, please go to student services for help.
If you are not sure,
phone the student services for help.
If you see the
further extension, contact your faculty for more information.
If you seek a further
extension, contact your faculty for more information.
If you use anger as a
tool too often, people will learn to avoid you.
Inflation affects the
demand, price and consumption of the products.
Interim grades / scores / results will be posted on the
board outside of the student lounge.
It is absolutely
vital that you acknowledge all your sources.
It is hard to anticipate all the characters that were in the act
It is hard to observe
the reaction of the characters in the act.
It is important to
allocate your time wisely when revising.
It is really a
comprehensive program that covers both theory and practice.
It is too hard to observe
the reaction of the character.
It is very likely
that space travel will become popular in the private sector.
It is vital that you
acknowledge all your sources.
Law is beneficial to investors by protecting their rights
and avoiding any improper actions in the market.
Laws protect consumer
right and help to avoid problems.
Leading companies
changed their policies after reports were released.
Let me know if
anybody struggles in labs.
Life expectancy and infant mortality rates are two of the
best indicators of overall health.
Listening is the key
skill to succeed to this course.
Lung cancer remains a
largely incurable disease.
Many birds migrated
to the warmer areas for winter.
Many toxins originate
from plants and animals
Most of the theories
are quite similar, but a few critics disagree.
Most teaching staff
make their lecture notes available online.
Most theories were
quite similar, but a few critics disagree.
Mutually exclusive
events are neither complementary nor opposing.
Neurons are
principally involved in chemical processes.
Newspapers are
supported primarily by the sale of advertising space
No more than four
people are allowed in the lab to something.
Nurses specialize in
clinical work and management.
Observers waited
nervously and hold the breath for the concert.
Organization plays an
important role in academic literature.
failure is considered in various perspectives in academic literature.
failure is considered large range of specific areas in academic literature.
Our class will be
divided into three groups.
Our food supply now
contains so much added sugar that our metabolic systems can’t handle it.
Our group is going to
meet tomorrow in the library conference room.
Our professor is
hosting the economic conference next week.
Our professors are
hosting an economic conference.
Overcrowding in poor
sanitation affect the lives of the majority of the population.
Packaging is very
important to attract the intentioned buyer.
Pain is necessary, as
it acts as a warning of danger.
Participants are
initially selected from a range of foundation subjects.
Peer pressure has a
great effect on young people.
Please make sure you
have collected all the necessary materials.
Please note that the
college laboratory will be closed for cleaning next week.
Please remember to
bring a highlighter to class on next Wednesday.
Please work with each
other to build a monolithic status.
Politics is not
usually safe topic of conversation.
Popular culture is
now a serious subject of academic inquiry.
Practicing time
restricted eating a few times a week could be both feasible and healthy.
Public perception
about biotechnology is crucial as developing scientific consensus.
Reference of material
is held in the hall of / on the library reference desk.
Relevant resources
are reserved in the library.
Remember all students
have strict ability criteria.
Remember, the
prestigious selection has strict eligibility criteria.
Remember, this
phenomenon has strict eligibility criteria.
Review all
materials/conferences/resources before drawing your conclusion.
Rising inflation will
increase the demand, price and the consumption of products.
Sale figures last
year are better than expected.
Scientists here are
studying a wide variety of atmospheric/mysterious processes.
Scientists now study
a wide of atmospheric processes.
She receives a
scholarship from the state university.
Some of the features
are part of the previous research.
Some people regarded
it as careless, while others regarded it as recklessness
Some people regarded this as eyewash, whereas some people
ask for the status of their complaints and actions taken.
Some young people
find city life rather stressful.
Something detailed
based underlying issue must be addressed first.
Something in place as
well as scientific papers.
Statistical results
should be described in different ways depending on circumstances.
Student concession cards need to / should be obtained by
completing an application form.
identification cards will be issued by today or/and tomorrow.
Students have the
options to live in campus residences or apartments.
Submitting your
assignment must be punctually done by one of your group members.
Successful applicants
will work with a large team of researchers.
Sydney is Australia’s largest city, chief port and
culture center.