This graph compares the birth rates in China and in the USA from 1920 to 2000. Over the whole time period, USA has larger birth rate in general.
In 1945, USA has its lowest birth rates at 5, as same as China since 1940.
In 1950, both country reach their highest with china has 20, and USA has 15. Both country has decreased birth rates towards the end of the time period.
This graph shows the US energy consumption by different type of fuel from 1980 to 2030. Petro and Oil take up the largest amount of consumption during the whole time period, started at 35 quadrillion units in 1980, and is predicted to achieve nearly 50 quadrillion in the end of the time period. Coal and Natural Gas has very similar consumption with coal is predicted to grow faster than natural gas. Nuclear, solar / wind, and hydropower are three energies that has slight growth or even stay constant.
This graph shows the amount of consumption of three different kinds of fast food from 1990 to 2010. Hamburger takes up the largest amount of consumption in 1990 at 300 m dollars, however, it is the only type that has decreased consumption. To 2010, it has only little over 200 m dollar consumption. Fish & chips grow faster than pizza from around 60 m dollar to 500 m dollars in 2010, while pizza started similarly but only reach little under 300m in the end of the time period.
This graph shows the total population of Thoralby from 1870 to 2010. It started at around 260 in 1870 and keeps dropping to the lowest at nearly 120 in 1950. After that, it increased dramatically to its highest at over 300 around 1960 to 1970. However since then, it drops back to 150 towards the end of the time period.
This graph shows the temperature of ** area in one week time. It started on Sunday at 25 degrees and reaches its highest on 28 degrees. However, after that, the temperature dropped steadily to 19 degrees on Thursday. But it grew back to 27 degrees on Sat again. Overall, Monday is the hottest day followed by Saturday, and Thursday is the coldest
This graph shows the number of overseas visitors to three different areas in a European country between 1987 and 2007. The coast was the most popular place to visit in 1987, having 40 thousand people visiting, and it grew to over 70 thousand people in 2007.
The lakes were the least popular place but it grew faster than other areas, reaching more than 70 thousand in 2002 before drop back to 50 thousand in 2007. The mountain has the slowest growth speed from 20 thousand to 35 thousand.
This graph shows the total consumption and major sources of renewable energy from 1949 to 2008. The total consumption shows an increasing trend during this time period from 3 quadrillions BTU to over 7 quadrillions. Hydroelectric power and wood have similar trend and quite slow growth speed from nearly 2 quadrillions to 2 quadrillions.
There was no biofuels and the wind until 1980.