

Describe Image Line chart 1

This graph shows changes in the number of London station passengers in one day. It started at 100 people in 6:00, then reach its highest at 400 people in 8:00.
After that, it decreases to its lowest in 16:00 back to just under 100 before growing back to nearly 400 again in 18:00 and drop back to 100 people towards the end of the day.
Overall, it has the largest amount of passengers at 8 o’clock and 6 o’clock pm.

This graph shows the proportion of energy produced from coal in four European countries from 1995 to 2010. All four countries have decreased proportion during the time period. Denmark and Germany are the two countries that produced the most amount of energy from coal in 1995 at 60% and 55% respectively. However, Denmark reduced to 10% in 2010, while Germany reached its lowest at 5% in 2007, and grew back to 18% in 2010. Sweden and France have much slower reduce pace from 40% and 30% respectively to between 20% and 30%.

This graph shows the consumption of US fruit and Vegetable from 1970 to 2010. Vegetables had a much bigger consumption during this time period than fruit.
Vegetable consumption grew from 340 pounds/person/ year in 1970 to 425 pounds around 2000, before the drop to under 400 pounds in 2010.
The fruit had a similar trend, which grew from 240 pounds to just under 300 pounds around 2000 and drops back to 250 pounds around 2010.

This graph shows average monthly temperatures for three African cities.
In Mombasa, Kenya, January, and December are the hottest around 80 degrees, whereas June being coldest around 75 degrees.
Cape Town in South Africa, January has the highest temperature at 70 degrees with June has the lowest at 55.
For Cairo in Egypt, the temperature is different. January being the coldest with 55 degrees, while July and August being hottest at over 80 degrees.

This graph shows consumer confidence from 1990 to 2008.
It started at 85 in 1990 and dropped to its lowest few years after at 67. It grew back to around 90 before decline back to 79 in 1996.
In 2003-4, it reached its highest at 105, however, it dropped to under 70 in 2008.

This graph shows the median and average sales prices of new homes sold in the US from 1963 to 2011. Both two sales show increasing trend over this time of period, with average sales has little larger sale prices than median sales.
They both reached their highest in 2007, with Average at over 3 hundred thousand us dollar and the median has 250 thousand us dollar.

This graph shows the world population growth in developing countries and industrialized countries from 1750 to 2050.
Developing countries has much bigger growth than industrialized countries, and predicted to grow to its highest in 2050 to 10 billion people.
For industrialized countries, the growth pace is much slower. It is predicted to grow to 1.5 billion people in 2050.

This graph shows the level of sports player’s salaries from 1970 to 2000.
A basketball player has largest growth compared to the baseball player and football player and reaches its highest salaries in 2000 at just under 2.5 million.
Baseball play’s salaries have slower increase and reach its highest over 1.5 million in 2000.
However, for the football player, the highest salaries rate is in 1995 which is around 8 hundred thousand, after that, it drops little towards the end of the time period.

This graph shows the Net generation from coal and the share of total generation from coal from 1960 to 2010.
The Net generation from coal shows an increasing trend from under 0.5 billion in 1960 to its highest around 2008 at 2 billion before drop a little under 2 billion towards 2010.
The share of total generation from coal shows a decreasing trend, started at over 50% in 1960 and reaches its highest around 1990 at nearly 60% after a decline. However, after that, it decreases to only 45% in 2010.

This graph shows the number of arrests every year for using illegal drugs.
It started at only 10 arrests and reach 60 arrests between 1995 and 1998. After a drop to 40 arrests, it reaches its highest number at 70 arrests in 2000. After that, it dropped dramatically to 15 arrests in 2001. But it grows back to over 52 arrests in 2002. In the end of the time period in 2005, it has 40 arrests every year.

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